“Alright time for another real story that was nominated for Oscars that is now on Netflix. This one will surely be more serious than the other one thou”
“"There's no such thing as a wrong war. Violence and revolution are the only pure acts." Helmed by film critic-turned-director Lindsay Anderson, If.”
“A couple of years ago, my wife bought me a book written by Jo Nesbรธ, it was one of these thrillers starring Harry Hole. Eventually, even though I did”
“This sort of reminds me of Who's Driving Doug that I watched last month although the cast here is much bigger. Also this based on a novel of course. T”
“After three teenagers find a mysterious hole in the ground after a party; they begin to notice that they have developed a set of superpowers. Initiall”
“"I am an Apex Predator. Does the lion feel bad killing the gazelle? Do people feel remorse when they kill a fly?" Chronicle is yet another addition”
“"Yes, it was the black guy this time." The 'found-footage' sub-genre was popularised when The Blair Witch Project was released way back in 1999. Th”
“Considering the current hype involving super-heros and this other wave of found-footage features, it was just a matter of time before a smart ass woul”
“I had already seen this movie, even in the movie theater when it was released, but since I had it on DVD, I thought I might as well check it out again”

"Recommendations for July: Extraordinary Tales The Fundamentals of Caring Throwing my support behind: Team Foxcatcher List updated accordingly."