“"This thing is attached to Mia's soul like a leech. If I'm reading this right, it's become her." Horror remakes justifiably strike fear into the hear”
“"History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle, but forgets the bloo”
“I have been wanting to check this out for awhile now. When I first saw the trailer and saw David Koechner I felt that this was going to be a lame come”

"Voting for: Stretch Clay Pigeons The Warrior's Way None of the above are essential, but you might enjoy them somewhat."
“I thought that the concept and trailer were interesting so I decided to give this one a shot. I also am intrigued that Jason Bateman is also sitting i”
“This movie was not really a priority for me but since it was soon to be removed from HBO, I thought I might as well check it out. After directing quit”
“To be honest,ย I didnโt really know what this movie was about before watching the damned thing and the main reason I wanted to check it out was bec”
“"His name is Krampus. He and his helpers did not come to give, but to take. He is the shadow of Saint Nicholas."Filmmaker Michael Dougherty made quite”
“There isn't really much on Netflix that has caught my eye at this point of the night (Midnight). I just decided to go ahead and go with this one. It h”