"Throwing my support behind: The Big Short also The Hunter which I evidently forgot to support before now"

"Some excellent picks here...several of which would be among my top ten per genre as well."
“Faintly ridiculous, but oddly charming thanks to two incredibly talented and charismatic leads who could read the phonebook as a series of love letter”

"Throwing my support behind: Creep Explorers List updated!"
“Ever since I saw ‘Toy Story’ more than 20 years ago in the movie theater when it was released, I have always been a huge fan of Pixar’s work and”
“Even though this movie didn’t get much love (just check the ratings here on Listal and Imdb), I was still intrigued by this flick and the fact that ”

"@Dark Warrior - I'll make sure I check those out. Thanks!"