"Nice to see you ran the Puppet Master series. Curious where you found them all. I know I've seen the first one & at least one of the sequels, but can't remember which and would at least like to sit th"

“Since this movie has a really solid reputation, I was really eager to check it out. Well, even though I really liked it, to be honest, I wasn't comple”

"Conjuring 2 Cop Car Dear White People Unsane Ready Player One (see it on the big screen or not at all) Rollerball (not essential, but the stunts make it worthwhile) Voting against: Caddyshack The Bad"

"Voting for: Train to Busan Short Term 12 Voting against: Kingsman Golden Circle (not that it's a bad movie, but it's also not remotely necessary to see)"
“Even though I usually don't like at all comedies dealing with moronic characters, I have to admit that I do have a weak spot for 'Bill & Ted's Exc”
“Since I'm a big fanย of Tom Hardy, I was really eager to check out this movie, especially since the material sounded pretty awesome. Well, eventually”

“Henk had once again picked up a really nice movie. Basically, it was a movie with a concept as you follow one character driving in his car and, that '”

"Nice to see your thoughts on all of the above. Looks like we came down similarly on I Am the Pretty Thing..., The Ritual, and Black Panther. Here's hoping this list continues to grow throughout the ye"