"I thought Hereditary was good, but not the great film it was hyped up to be. There's much to admire there, but we're agreed that the ending was a bit lacking. And very cool that you managed to catch s"

"Glad to see you enjoyed Creepy and The Wailing. The latter was one of my favorite films of 2016. And I suspect you're correct that another viewing of Let the Right One In will be more favorable now th"
“I wasnโt really sure what to expect from this flick but since it was directed by George A. Romero and since it has a decent reputation, I was quite ”

Zombie romance double feature

"I dig your list. I've linked to it from mine for October. Cheers! :)"

"Welcome back! Nice to see your thoughts on these, and we're very much agreed on Night of the Living Dead. I've linked to your list from mine for October. Cheers!"