"Glad to see you found so many films to appreciate last month! I too really want to see the Director's cut of Midsommar, and I'm trying to hold off on buying it until there's a Blu-ray edition that con"

"I'd argue that One Cut of the Dead is reason enough to pick up Shudder, whether for a month or even just a week. Heck, in a week you could watch it, Tigers Are Not Afraid, and Terrified and you'd have"

"Very cool that you caught Alien for its 40th anniversary. I was tempted to do the same, but the last time I saw it was a few years ago in 35mm and paired with Aliens in the same format and thus I'm in"

"@AVPGuyver21 - Maybe I can sit down with Book of Monsters on Friday then. I prefer to spend my Friday nights with fun films whenever possible. @Mackenzi - I'm hoping to get Noroi and Dark Water watch"
““Corpse Bride” is a macabre fairy tale musical filled with dancing skeletons, a maggot who serves as the “Corpse Bride” equivalent of Jiminy C”

"Another fan of Tigers Are Not Afraid, yes! And hey we both watched Q this month. Looks like we came down similarly on As Above, So Below, and I'll have to seek out Bliss."