“Since this movie had a really impressive reputation, I was really eager to watch the damned thing. Eventually, even though it didn't turn out to be on”

"@BAMF - I have not seen No One Lives, but now that I've looked it up I think I'll give it a look. Thanks! @Bml93 - Aww dang, I really liked what I saw from the trailers for The Snowman. In that case "
“I wasnโt expecting much from the damned thing but since this movie was available on Netflix, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, eventuall”
“Disclaimer: It's tough to review Kingsman: The Golden Circle without divulging what some may consider to be spoilers. Even though the details in quest”

“Following the polarizing responses towards this movie, I wasn't really sure what to expect but since I have always been a fan of Darren Aronosfky's wo”
“Since I kept hearing some pretty good things about this movie, I was quite eager to check it out. Eventually, it turned out to be a seriously weird mo”

"Ok, so I definitely need to see Final Girls and thank you for reminding me. Glad you've had your first taste of Bava, and I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on Bay of Blood especially out of "