"Ignoring your comments (and everyone else's) for now, but pleased to see such a good rating for Prometheus. Seems like everyone who has seen it has come out pretty favorably for it, so hopefully I'll "
"Very interesting choices here. Wonder Showzen is full of WTF moments, which is one of the reasons I got into it (and thanks for the image vote there). Agreed on both categories for Six Feet Under too."
"Argento made an adaptation of Dracula? That should be interesting. I also see here a remake of Maniac starring Elijah Wood...guaranteed I'll never watch it. Don't know if you saw, but The AV Club ran"
"@xxixii - I didn't count The Last Man on Earth because they're supposed to be vampires (even though they seem more like zombies). Haven't seen Pontypool yet."
"@xxixii - I have the happy ending version of Brazil (I own the Criterion Collection DVD) but haven't brought myself to watch it yet."
"Glad that you loved The Shining, though I'd be surprised if you didn't. It's one of the rare horror films that even non-horror fans can appreciate, and everything about it is just Great. Looks like yo"
"Here I thought I was the only person on the planet who had seen Real Men. Though as often as it's been run on cable I guess someone else should have seen it. Nice to see it mentioned at all on a list."
"Sorry to hear you didn't dig I'm a Cyborg..., but now from your comments it seems perhaps it was just the wrong time/mood to watch it. Timecrimes sits in my IQ & I'll watch it "soon" (where soon is "
"Glad you enjoyed Matchstick Men, and I agree that all 3 main actors give great performances. Of course I tend to be happiest watching Nicolas Cage when he's not being an action guy. :P I still need "
"Glad you finally watched & enjoyed Bullitt and Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid. I bought both of them on the cheap so I could finally watch them too & was glad I did. Lots coming up soon I'm anxious "
"Votes for: Inglourious Basterds Hellraiser Rashomon A Fistful of Dollars"
"Happy to help! Votes for: The Shining Hook Indiana Jones & Last Crusade Wall Street Spider Falling Down The Ref The Town Jurassic Park Star Trek Votes against: The Patriot Batman Forever Forrest "
"Glad you found time to update this list! After your & phillydude's positive ratings of Lady Vengeance, I'm hoping I'll have a more favorable response when I revisit it. Here's hoping June is a better"
"Vote for: The Messenger Vote against: Rent I'd vote for Piranha but I know you won't appreciate it like I do. :P"
"Donnie Darko has long been a personal favorite. I didn't even realize Seth Rogen was in it until I revisited it after seeing The 40 Year Old Virgin. Heh."
"K-Pax is definitely underrated. Always enjoyed it. Nice choices!"
"So jealous you got to see Prometheus already. I was disappointed when I found out it doesn't open here until next weekend instead of on the 1st. Ah well, I'll definitely see it this month at some poin"
"And I got movies in my mailbox today too. :)"
"Started with the Die Hard series & ended with the Alien series...very cool. The 4th film is definitely the worst of them, but I definitely have more appreciation for the 3rd than you. A matter of tast"
"@jaytoast - No worries on the lack of cookies. We've got some now thanks to a party we had over the weekend...one of our good friends dropped off a few dozen, some of which were eaten & only a handful"
"phillydude's movies have been shipped to Xanadon't as of today. Expected delivery date is June 6th."
"Seen 17 of these & all were definitely worth watching, so I'll be checking out the rest of these!"
"I now have some books I need to look into. Glad to see you enjoyed Haunted! :)"
"Off to a good start. Don't forget the original Superman series of films starring Christopher Reeve, as well as the previous run of Batman films."
"Hmm...I went to see The Spirit in theatres & walked out about 30 minutes into it & got my money back. It never properly established a tone I felt, and the dialogue was too dumb & awkward for me to end"
"I'll ship off what I have no later than June 1st. Hoping to get my last film watched this weekend since I'm off work for once, but we'll see."