"Our top 2 are the same for sure. I loved Dumb and Dumber for a while after it came out, but I've since outgrown it & no longer find it as entertaining as I used to. Highly recommend you watch Man on "
"I may finally watch American Grindhouse next month, provided I can find time to squeeze it in somewhere. Regardless I'm glad to hear it'll be worth my time whenever I get to it. Also nice to see you "
"I re-watched Finding Nemo yesterday & it has been bumped up the list. Feel free to rejoice or whatever."
"I'd argue that Raising Arizona is also for non-Cage fans. That one is definitely among the few times he proves he has talent. Nicely done!"
"Only seen 4 of these & they'd all be among my choices of favorites too. Clearly I need to watch the rest of these. Gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised to see For a Few Dollars More make the list instea"
"Drafthouse screened Possession for a few days, all while we were in Oregon. Sigh. One of these days I'll finally see it. I'm sure we'll both have to update our horror lists after next month. ;)"
"Nicely done again dude. Gilliam is definitely an acquired taste, so it's cool to see someone's views on his films that isn't as much of a fan. I like that you included Lost in La Mancha (which I sadly"
"1. Magnolia 2. Seven Samurai 3. The Crow 4. Chasing Amy 5. American Beauty"
"Lots of excellent choices. A few here I need to check out. About the only one we disagree on is Carrie which I love, though I wouldn't call Misery my favorite King adaptation (it's excellent though). "
"Seen 5 & all worth watching. Got a couple others on my shelf to watch & the others I've definitely missed out on. Well done!"
"@.-* Damir - I have indeed seen Return of the Living Dead, but it does not fit into this list. Please see my favorite zombie movies list (note the lack of quotation marks around the word zombie)."
"Like johanlefourbe, I don't see what's controversial about Twilight. :P Highly recommend The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which by the way isn't a true story). Freaks is really good too. Gummo was point"
"One of these days I'll finally get my list up for 2011. Seen 4 of these & Super 8 is the only one that won't be somewhere on my list. It was good but I had problems with it."
"Definitely an interesting mix you have here. Nice to see love for Rubber."
"@the count - Thanks for the compliments as well as for letting me know the Dylan video disappeared. I've replaced that video with one that's just the song, no images. Only thing I could find."
"@moviewatcher122 - Cool, I'll have to check it out then."
"Haha we both watched God Bless America this month...and came away from it with more or less the same response."
"@phillydude - I always found Elmo annoying too. And yet my rating matches Xanadon't's & I agree with what he said here. So definitely give it a watch. Glad to hear Black Dynamite had you laughing fro"
"Lots of good choices here. Will look forward to seeing it updated with thoughts. :)"
"Somehow I forgot to vote before. Fixed now. Also you reminded me I'm overdue to revisit the Back to the Future series."
"Nice. Akira and Vampire Hunter D were largely responsible for my interest in & appreciation of anime. I'm not as well versed in the genre as you clearly are, but I dig quite a bit of it. I'll have to "
"Well, I'm honored that I've inspired you. :) You're off to a good start with your lists it looks like, so you keep up the good work as well!"
"Your top 3 will also be among my top films for 2011 whenever I decide to publish the list. Heh."