"Such a wonderful mix here, and several of these I clearly need to check out."

"Glad to see you finally checked out MST3K, which is easily my favorite way to watch bad movies. And Nightcrawler is on my list to watch too. Kudos on a great month, and Happy (belated) Birthday!"

"This list is all wrapped up now. Thanks to everyone else who celebrated with me! On to November...."

"@VT - I forgot to comment on how some of the music in The Beyond is incongruous with its respective scenes. I couldn't make up my mind whether it was genius or just plain awful."

"Yep, totally agreed on both versions of Maniac. Glad to see you enjoyed The Bay, Troll Hunter, and The Frighteners too."

"@Mimmi - Right on, I can see how that might be. I might check it out again down the road & see if my feelings on it change. :)"

"@Larry Talbot - I haven't seen Witchfinder General yet, but I'm looking forward to watching it very soon."

"@VT - I wasn't thinking about it while watching it, but now you mention it I see the cave allegory side of The Woman. And as such I can see your other points too. Netflix has Detention labeled as Com"

"Just dropping by to let you know I've linked to your list from my Horrorfest list."

"Just dropping by to let you know I've linked to your list from my Horrorfest list."

"Yep, pretty much agreed on Detention now that I've seen it."

"Thanks for the suggestion! I'm behind on updating lots of my lists."

"I see you've got lots of re-watches on this list. Nice. I prefer to vote for stuff you haven't seen yet though, so... Votes for: Witness for the Prosecution"

"So much awesomeness on tap for you this month. I dig how you're watching some original/remake combos too. I felt the same way about Hostel. You're Next and Night of the Creeps are especially perfect"

"Glad to see you dug They Might Be Giants, and that your love for Clerks continues to grow. And I feel your pain on Broken Flowers. I couldn't even finish it & clearly I didn't miss anything by giving "

"@Monstermaster - I'm 50/50 on the Dr. Seuss movies. I enjoyed both The Grinch and Horton for the most part. The Lorax had moments but was definitely a mess & awful compared to the book. And as for The"

"Totally agree about Sandler in Reign Over Me. And I've been reluctant to check out Odd Thomas due to my appreciation for the book, but perhaps I'll give it a shot."

"Such a good band. Tough to pick favorites on some of these."

"@VT - Yeah, what the hell was up with the CGI during the credits? It was jarring, especially after spending the entire film in a well-recreated past and just did not fit in at all. Ridiculous. I almos"

"Nice to see Sleepytime Gorilla Museum on here, as well as Swans, The Mars Volta, Mr. Bungle, and some others."

"So awesome to see you enjoyed Southland Tales. And we're agreed on the cast...most of the time I can't stand most of those actors & yet they're all really good in it. And I think you're right too abou"

"@BAMF - Chef is currently my favorite film of 2014. I really liked the new Cap movie, dug Godzilla for the most part, and thought Noah was decent. The rest you named I still have yet to watch at this "

"Agreed on the ratings for Brothers Grimm, but then I've loved almost all of Gilliam's films. Nice to see you're planning to run through some of them this month. And yeah, Freeway is pretty odd. Defin"

"Quite a productive month you had. And a nice mix of films too. :)"

"@VT - Yep, the brutality was definitely refreshing and exactly what I was hoping for. And what is it about woodchipper scenes that I love them all?"

"Nice to see Harold and Maude on here now. Such a great movie. If you haven't seen it yet, you should check out Paper Moon. Oh, and Sunset Boulevard. I have a feeling both would have a home here."

"I loved Phone Booth for all those reasons when I saw it in the theatre. Think it's about time to revisit it."

"Read about 1/4 of these & wouldn't talk you out of any of them. Some of these are on my want-to-read list too."

"Glad to see you enjoyed Waking Ned Devine. And yeah, The Full Monty is overrated but still entertaining. A bit surprised you hated Funny Games so much though. Then again, I watched the remake before"