“I always wondered if this movie was any good and since Iโm a big fan of Christopher Walken, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, the damned”
"Voting for: T2 Trainspotting The Prophecy (which I'm kinda surprised you haven't seen yet...it's not a great film but worth seeing)"
“To be honest, this movie was not really a high priority but since it was on Netflix and since it was suggested by one of my favorite listal members, I”
“I watched this film in theaters as part of a College class I was taking at the time. Literally only knew of the basic premise of this film on the very”
“Notes: *Oh I have been waiting for this ever since that trailer! *The cast is a great selection. *The story looks intense and almost like 28 Days Late”
"Great that you caught Free Fire during its brief theatrical run and enjoyed it. I too hope for it to find a cult following as the years go by, because it deserves one. Looks like we came down pretty c"
"Voting for: The Invitation Fences 10 Cloverfield Lane The Endless Summer Split Nocturnal Animals Skeleton Twins Fundamentals of Caring Barking Dogs Never Bite"
“Since this movie was the last part of Edgar Wrightโs Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, of course, I was really eager to check it out. In fact, even t”
“I had already seen this movie but since it was ages ago and since I had this movie on DVD, I was quite eager to check it out again. Well, to be honest”
“Since I kept hearing some really good things about this movie, I was really eager to check it out. Well, eventually, it really deserved its solid repu”
"@Bml93 - I've heard good things, so I may check it out at some point. I'm horrible at keeping up with TV, so probably after it ends I'll get around to it. ;P"
“This was playing at my theater and I never got around to actually watching it. The only part I would see was a scene after the credits which was alway”
“Yes I know I am behind with this one so no need to tell me so. Even my wife watched this before me and was shocked lol. Anyways I saw it on Netflix so”
“King Kong in the house! I mean come on how can you not want to see this?! The cast, Kong, and a different take on the story. It took a little bit for ”
“Ah Mulholland Drive. This is one of those movies you hear about all the time and you get more and more curious. You always hear about the Hobo or see ”