"Fortunately Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is the only one of these I've suffered through, though I've seen enough of Little Nicky & Serenity to agree with you on them too."
"I'm guessing this list isn't exactly in order? I mean, I love Nolan's films, but none of them would make my top ten of all-time. Then again, this is your list not mine. Overall, nicely done."
"I've now published my Best movies of lists for 1977-2010 and collected them all on this list. Please check them out if you're interested."
"Suggestions: Trent Reznor, who overcame cocaine & alcohol addiction, completing rehab in 2001. Also Cedric Bixler-Zavala & Omar Rodriguez-Lopez of The Mars Volta, who got clean in 2005 after the death"
"Candace from WoJ scares me...so tiny & yet so vicious...seen her take dudes out in pits at their shows before. Nice to see Tairrie B here! What about Lyn Z from Mindless Self Indulgence?"
"Yep...I don't see what all the fuss is over Greenberg either. We saw it in the theatre & both walked out feeling completely indifferent to it. In fact, until it started popping up on critics' best-of "
"With the exceptions of Biker Mice & Power Rangers, all of these (as of now) were part of my childhood too. Looking forward to seeing what else pops up!"
"Just letting you know that under Due Date, the link connects to the full review for Red."
"@drugs - I haven't seen it yet. It's in my queue though. :) And now added to the unwatched section."
"Nice to see the changes to this list. I was indifferent while watching the trailer for Barney's Version, but perhaps I shall check it out. And I've added your #1 pick to my instant queue."
"Excellent. Also was going to say what Hobbit said."
"One of my favorite shows ever. Hope you complete this list. :)"
"So so glad to see you enjoyed Buried & Exit from the Gift Shop as much as I did! I suspect we should add them to the list of films to get around to discussing one of these days hehe."
"Nice list. I especially dig the presentation. A couple flaws I found though: From Dusk Till Dawn starts in a convenience store then moves to a hotel & an RV before they get to the club. Then for Brea"
"Dick Tracy is a surprise. I'm pretty sure I watched it during the 90s, but I can't remember much of anything that happened anymore. Perhaps I shall give it a fresh chance. Also, I've never watched Dan"
"That explains it then. Go watch them! I think Carrie is on instant...I know it was in October anyway."
"A few of these I need to check out apparently. Nice to see some love for The Wicker Man and Phantasm. Amityville Horror would be higher on my list, while The Exorcist (which did nothing but make me la"
"We disagree on Friday the 13th then...fair enough. Don't remember seeing The Crow the last time I looked at this. I saw its first sequel & it was so horrid I've blocked it out of my memory (which is w"
"Your ratings on Mother & World's Greatest Dad have led me to believe that sometimes you're way more critical than I am. That or you see things that I don't. *shrug*"
"Nice to see New Nightmare get some love...of the Freddy films I usually consider it the 2nd best of the bunch. Thanks for reminding me I need to see Jacob's Ladder still."
"I'm definitely down with 6 of these, and a few I'll need to see trailers on before I decide how excited I am about. And yes, Black Swan was awesome. By the way, if you weren't aware you should know t"
"With the obvious exception of Dark Knight Rises, I've seen all of these. :)"
"Ha yeah I completely agree with that review on Closer too. Glad you enjoyed Bourne!"