"Great list & a great read! One question though, why are the details of Steve Peregrin Took's death listed under Michael Hutchence?"
"I'm in agreement with both of you that Bride isn't superior to the original, hence it's lower placement on the list. It's a lot of fun though, and I've enjoyed it every time I've seen it (one of which"
"Panic Room is by far my least favorite of his films, though all of Fincher's movies are worth watching IMO."
"Excellent list my friend. I personally love A Clockwork Orange, but then being a fan of the book probably helped that (despite the fact that Kubrick made his film from an incomplete American version o"
"Since several people have singled out one film I should avoid, I've decided to add a rule (see above in right-hand column) that everyone can vote against one movie from the queue (if you want to). I'v"
"Glad I inspired you to make this list! And for the record if it wasn't for my future wife I'd probably still be buying and renting DVDs. She's the one with the Netflix account, I've just taken it over"
"Great list & a great read! You've encouraged me (in some cases even more so than you already had) to check out the ones I haven't seen yet. I still like Splice though. :P"
"Some nice choices here. You could've used Boardwalk Empire as favorite new show too. ;) If you've never seen Six Feet Under, I highly recommend it. I couldn't make a list like this because it'd have "
"Can't say I agree with all of these but I'm pleased to see some love for lots of classic comedians, especially the Marx Bros, Three Stooges, and Abbott & Costello. Not enough love for old-school comed"
"Nicely done sir! I'll make sure to keep dropping back by to check these out..."
"Thanks for reminding me I need to make one of these. Nice choices!"
"I don't completely agree with you on some of these, but I loved your comments throughout. Feel free to check out my list of movies that suck."
"Some nice choices here. Some I still need to see."
"No idea why I haven't looked at this and voted for it before now. Pure brilliance."
"This is at least 50 rules too many. :P I commend you on collecting all of them though."
"Completely agree with you on Dogtooth and Something About Mary. Both are terrible. I like several of your other choices too. Watch E.T.!"
"I've seen some bands from those years put on excellent shows, it's simply that none of their shows made the deep, lasting impression that these did."
"Excellent choices, especially Megan Fox & Julia Roberts. And yes, Sam Rockwell is very underrated."
"I've only seen 3 of his films, and Blue Velvet is my favorite as well. I'll have to look into more of his work, and if I now find I appreciate it more than I used to perhaps I'll give Eraserhead anoth"
"Yeah, I noticed that about Diggers right after I added it to our instant queue. I need to move it over to the DVD queue."
"I've got another list for you to add to this one: http://www.listal.com/list/favorite-song-titles"